Let America Be America Again Let America Be America Again Theme

Permit America Exist America Over again | Themes

Failure of the American Dream

The dream Hughes writes about in "Let America Exist America Again" is the American dream. In the mid-1930s, this was the belief that individuals who worked hard could overcome the societal circumstances they were built-in into and accept a amend, more prosperous life than their ancestors. This theory has been associated with the Usa since its founding. At its root is the supposition that anybody who comes to this country has the aforementioned freedoms and opportunities.

According to Hughes, the American dream is simply that: a dream. He argues information technology has never been a reality for the lower classes who toil day subsequently day to keep the country running. Though all Americans are technically costless, those without ability or wealth are metaphorically chained to menial and low-paying jobs. They do not have the resources to improve their situations. In fact, the piece of work they do betters the situations of the already-powerful and wealthy, who turn a profit from the labor of the lower classes. As the gulf between the haves and the have-nots widens, the possibility of achieving the American dream dramatically decreases for the latter.


Despite the fallacy, or misleading idea, of the American dream, "Let America Exist America Once more" is a message of hope. From the opening line of the kickoff stanza, Hughes urges readers to reform the country into what it was always supposed to be. He says the dreamers envisioned the United States every bit a place where comfy and safe lives are possible for all citizens, not just the elite. Though he recognizes America'south failures, he has not given up on its hereafter. "America never was America to me," he writes in Stanza 16, "And nevertheless I swear this adjuration— / America will be!" Instead of resigning himself to a lifetime of inequality and bigotry, he sets his sights on remaking the land in its arcadian epitome. His bulletin is one of optimism and hope, non pessimism and failure.

Strength of the Minority

"Let America Be America Once more" separates Americans into two distinct groups: the powerful and wealthy who have achieved the American dream and everyone else. Every bit listed in Stanzas viii through ten, "anybody else" includes poor whites, African Americans, Native Americans, and immigrants. Information technology is these people—non the powerful—to whom Hughes assigns the task of reshaping American society to ensure equal opportunities for all. In Stanza xv, he tells the disenfranchised "We must take back our land again" from those who profit from the toil of the working class. In Stanza 17, it is "We, the people, [who] must redeem" the country. Hughes believes in the collective strength of marginalized Americans. When they work together, they have the ability to change the world.

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